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Watch: Sam Moore’s Tribute To Martin Luther King Jr.

Today, April 4, marks the 46th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legendary soul man Sam Moore is celebrating the life of Dr. King in music by releasing a new tune, “They Killed a King.”

Moore completely re-worked the song from it’s original form feeling those lyrics wouldn’t translate here in… Read more »

Sam Moore performs ‘Precious Lord, Take My Hand’

Take My Hand, Precious Lord” (aka “Precious Lord, Take My Hand“) is a gospel song. The lyrics were written by Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey (1899–1993), and the melody by George Nelson Allen (1812–1877). It was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s favorite song, and he often invited gospel singer Mahalia Jackson to sing it at civil… Read more »

NYC, Here He Comes!

Sam Moore Gears Up for Big Week in the Big Apple Sam Moore Performs during Paul Simon Tribute at Carnegie Hall, set to Headline a concert at City Winery, Releasing New Music April 4th, “They Killed A King” in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s memory and loss, Perform on Huckabee, Imus in the… Read more »

Boo Mitchell over “They Killed a King”

‘Voor Sam Moore was het uitermate belangrijk dat deze song niet probeert een graantje mee te pikken van de King-uitstraling maar geschreven werd in een emotie van de gebeurtenissen. Dat hij daarna 46 jaar onder het stof is blijven liggen, vond hij veelbetekenend.’ – Tom Schoepen

01/04/2014 | Peter Vantyghem De Standaard over ‘They Killed… Read more »